Widows Group Monthly Meeting
Local RestaurantIf you are a widow and would like to connect with other women who understand your loss, this group is here to provide friendship and support. There are two groups; […]
If you are a widow and would like to connect with other women who understand your loss, this group is here to provide friendship and support. There are two groups; […]
Please join the Men of Burke Community Church as they meet in person for prayer on Friday mornings in the North Lobby outside of the Student Center.
Every day (yes...every day!), men from Burke Community Church meet up on Zoom to start off the day in prayer. What started as an opportunity to connect during COVID has […]
Join us at the Agape Fortress where General Agape has called the mighty Agape League together to solve a crisis in futuristic Washington DC! Calling on the super powered Fruit […]
Sunday mornings in the Prayer Room, a handful of individuals gather to pray for our Sunday morning services. Would you be willing to pray as well? We invite you to […]
Sunday Ignite if offered Sunday mornings at 9:00 and 10:45 am. The following are the details for the 9am program: Join us in Room 202 as our 5th & 6th grade students […]
Welcome to Main Street! We cannot wait to meet you and your kids. Our team of dedicated volunteers is busy preparing an awesome lesson and fun activities for Sunday. We […]
Vibrant Worship | In-Depth Teaching | Love In Action We all need meaningful connection with God and others. Sundays are all about providing that for you. Whether on campus or online, join […]
Ladies, Do the distractions of summer activity keep you from studying God's word? Join us as we study "On Bended Knee" by Crickett Keeth. Each week a different teacher will lead […]
The course is intended to make attendees aware of the church’s roots in North America as it accompanied European explorers in the 16th and 17th centuries and how it has […]