Jesus calls all of his followers to express their faith in Him by being baptized. If you are a follower of Jesus, but haven't been baptized, we would love to […]
Do you have a story inside you but not sure how to express it? Bring your smartphone and visit a beginner-friendly workshop designed to introduce you to simple yet effective […]
Would you like to hone your ability to teach the Bible? Would you like to learn the skills needed to become a more effective teacher? If so, Pastor Marty will […]
Jesus calls all of his followers to express their faith in Him by being baptized. If you are a follower of Jesus, but haven't been baptized, we would love to […]
Rising juniors and seniors, join us for our student mission trip to Philadelphia from July 14-19! Our team will partner with By Grace Alone Church to renovate their building and […]
Learn the basics of everyday makeup and how to portray personalities through wardrobe so you can be prepared to play a part in the Women's Film Competition. Bring your own […]
Join us at the Agape Fortress where General Agape has called the mighty Agape League together to solve a crisis in futuristic Washington DC! Calling on the super powered Fruit […]
7th-12th grade students, join us at 10:45AM in the Café and Auditorium for a summer breakfast!
Come be a part of a community of female creatives. You have the opportunity to participate in the first ever Burke Community Church’s film competition 2024. This summer, August 2-4, […]