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Seven Statements That Changed The World – Burke Community Church
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“It Is Finished!”

Because of modern medicine, we’ve lost the opportunity to hear the last words of dying people. Most who are about to slip into eternity are drugged to make them comfortable. The only […]

“Why Have You Forsaken Me?”

High noon. It’s the time in the classic western by the same name when a brave sheriff, played by Gary Cooper, single-handedly took on a ruthless gang of evil men to […]

“Woman, Behold Your Son…”

As I think about our Lord’s final statements from the cross, my soul can readily identify with the words from Stuart Hine’s magnificent old hymn How Great Thou Art. And when […]

“Father Forgive Them…”

Final words. They have a way of sticking with you for a lifetime. The year was 1981. The month was a cold, foggy January day in Stockton. I was a […]