Psalm 133

I remember the first personal contact I had with a new parishioner we’ll call Dave. I ran into him in the church office while he spoke with the secretary. After […]
Psalm 128

Psalm 120

If you had to select a spiritual song to set the tone for your journey to worship today, what would it be? Ten Thousand Reasons Everlasting God Blessed Assurance Is […]
Psalm 119 – Part 2

Difficulty engulfed the prophet Jeremiah’s ministry because God tasked him with speaking truth to the ungodly nation of Judah as well as the godless nations of the world (Jer. 1). […]
Psalm 119 – Part 1

What is a miracle? Dr. Norman Geisler defines it well in his book When Skeptics Ask, “A miracle is divine intervention into, or interruption of, the regular course of the […]
Psalm 116

Looking back over my Christian walk of the last fifty-four years, I have learned much about how prayer interfaces with problems God, in His sovereignty, sends our way. So far, […]
Psalm 115

Several years ago, Dr. Os Guinness gave me a copy of his book Fool’s Talk. What is the purpose of the book, written by a world-class, highly effective apologist? His […]
Psalm 113

If you had to choose a spiritual, Christian song to praise God for saving you, which song would it be? Choruses I Could Sing of Your Love Forever Your Grace […]
Psalm 112

If you are a God-fearing person, one thing is for sure: the blessing of God rests upon you. How do I know this? Because it is a timeless truth woven […]
Psalm 111

Hymns. Each one teaches you rich, meaningful theology. My sister, Marla, loved to sing Blessed Assurance as ovarian cancer took a toll on her body. Why did she love this […]
Psalm 110 – Part 2

Last Thursday one of our garage door mechanisms malfunctioned so I called a door company to come and look at it. When the two men arrived in their work truck, […]
Psalm 110 – Part 1

Last Sunday after worship I headed over to Home Depot to pick a part I needed for my kitchen remodel. Stopping by the Customer Service desk, I first returned an […]