Ordinary People With Extraordinary Love

How does God take ordinary people and transform them in extraordinary ways? Join Josh Harper as he takes a look at Romans 12 and unpacks how God forms and empowers […]
The Main Thing

Today we celebrate the grand opening of Dallas Theological Seminary’s D. C. campus, which is now housed on site at Burke Community Church! Dr. Rodney Orr, Dean of DTS-DC, shares […]
Words Matter

Join us as Dr. Mark Yarbrough, President of Dallas Theological Seminary, walks us through Philippians 2:12-15 and unpacks the importance of the words we use.
Paul: A Portrait of a Servant Leader

Guest Speaker Dr. Kreider

Dr. Glenn R. Kreider
Not Unmindful Of His Kindness

Dr. Mark Bailey
Apologetics Sunday

Dr. Norman Geisler
We Are At War

Dr. Peter Littlework

Dr. Mark L. Bailey
Christ Who Is Your Life

Dr. Randy Newman
The Gospel Is Irrepressible

Dr. Randy Newman