Consider the Tension

We live in the tension of maintaining a close intimate walk with Jesus and getting sidetracked by all of the other things in life. Join Dr. Marty Baker as we […]
Dealing With Deceivers

Deception can pop up in our world, including in the church. How do we deal with deceivers? Join Dr. Marty Baker as we take a look at 1 John 2:19-24. […]
The Last Hour

What does it mean to live in the last hour? Join Dr. Marty Baker as we take a look at 1 John 2:18. The New Testament Church no sooner got […]
God’s Gracious Gifts Equip Us For Intimacy

Sinful worldviews tempt believers and unbelievers to sinful living. For example, the party spirit, which embraces the evil triad of sex, drugs, and rock and roll, lures both kinds of […]
What Does A Life In Love With Jesus Look Like?

On May 24th, Liz and I will have been married forty-two years. In some ways, it seems like we just met in 1979 in San Diego, dated, got engaged, and […]
How Do You Develop An Energized, Intimate Relationship With Jesus?

After a brief hiatus in studying First John because of our series for the Easter season, today we dig back into this helpful and challenging book. You will recall that […]
1 John 1:5-10

How do you build a marriage which invigorating and exciting, one full of joy, peace, and ever-increasing intimacy? First, let me tell you how not to do it. Dr. Emerson […]
1 John 1:1-4 | The Facts of Fellowship

Join Dr. Marty Baker as we dive into the first four verses of First John to explore The Facts of Fellowship and how the truth of Jesus impacts our human […]
1 John: Light & Life – Introduction

Looking back at the New Testament churches, we can falsely assume those were the good old days. Brave saints traveled throughout the known world preaching the gospel, and people from […]