Stand in the Storm

What parting words will the Apostle John leave us with? Join Dr. Marty Baker as we wrap up our 1 John series. Closing words for a key person in […]
Supplication and Sin

What are sins that lead to death? What are sins that don’t lead to death? 1 John 5:16-17 is one of the most challenging (and even confusing) passages in the […]
“P” is for Prayer

How much confidence do you have in approaching God? Can you share your needs, worries, wants, fears, hopes, etc. with boldness and honesty? Join Dr. Marty Baker as we take […]
“F” is for Faith

Who do we trust? How we answer this question makes a world of difference. Join Dr. Marty Baker as we look at 1 John 5:6-13 and unpack how faith in […]
“V” is for Victory

What does it look like to have victory in Jesus Christ? It can often seem like we’re fighting an uphill battle in this world. Join Dr. Marty Baker as we […]
Bold Faith Loves Radically

Love. All of us hunger for it. Its power changes everything. Join Dr. Marty Baker as we look at 1 John 4:7-21 and learn how the power of a bold […]
Bold Belief Constantly Searches for Truth

What is truth? Join Dr. Marty Baker as he takes us through 1 John 4:1-6 and helps us understand how bold belief constantly searches to get at the heart of […]
Bold Belief is Sacrificial

Jesus sacrificially gave his life for us…what does it look like for us to sacrificially give our life for others? Join Dr. Marty Baker as we take a look at […]
Bold Belief and Brotherly Love

What difference does it make when we show others the love of Jesus? Join Dr. Marty Baker as we take a look at 1 John 3:10-15 and the principles behind bold […]
Bold Belief in Tough Times – Part 3

How does being a child of God transform our understanding of who we are and how we live? How do righteousness and sin fit into the picture? Join Dr. Marty […]
Bold Belief in Tough Times – Part 2

What if we were to live in light of who Christ is and who He says we really are? What difference would it make? Join Dr. Marty Baker as we […]
Bold Belief in Tough Times – Part 1

What does it look like to remain in Jesus, even when things get hard? Join Dr. Marty Baker as we take a look at 1 John 2:28 and discover together […]