Men’s Morning Prayer
North Lobby 9900 Old Keene Mill Rd, Burke, VA, United StatesPlease join the Men of Burke Community Church as they meet in person for prayer on Friday mornings in the North Lobby outside of the Student Center.
Please join the Men of Burke Community Church as they meet in person for prayer on Friday mornings in the North Lobby outside of the Student Center.
Join us for this study through the ministry of Jesus as we study the passages, principles, parables, and practices of Jesus Christ. This New Testament study through the gospels will prepare members to take the teachings of Jesus and apply them to our lives so that we can confidently answer the question, What Would Jesus […]
This new two-part course (Fall 2024 and Winter/Spring 2025) will cover, explain, and discuss twelve foundational doctrines of Christianity in effect since the days of the early church to the present day. Each part will address six fundamental doctrines over a twelve week period, emphasizing the Scriptural basis for each doctrine and how each doctrine […]
The Burke Community Church Singles is a group of single men and women who seek to explore and strengthen their Christian walk through the study of God’s Word, fellowship, and service. We meet each Sunday morning at 10:30AM. Come join us at our next gathering and explore God's purpose for your life! If you are […]
Ready for dawn patrol? Tuesday mornings from 6-7am, BaseCamp meets in the Student Center to seek deeper understanding of authentic manhood and apply principles from God's Word to our daily lives. We kick off with large group teaching, followed by small group breakout discussions. Hang out afterwards in the lobby to make connections with the […]
Men, the time for refinement is now! IronWorks meets weekly to seek deeper understanding of authentic manhood and apply principles from God's Word to our daily lives. We kick off with large group teaching followed by small group breakout discussions. Hang out afterwards to make connections with the men of Burke Community Church.
Please join the Men of Burke Community Church as they meet in person for prayer on Friday mornings in the North Lobby outside of the Student Center.
Burke Community Men, are you hungry for food and fellowship? Bring your sons and invite your friends to enjoy fellowship and a Men's Breakfast on the fourth Saturday of every other month! No need to register, just come fill up on food and the Holy Spirit!
Join us for this study through the ministry of Jesus as we study the passages, principles, parables, and practices of Jesus Christ. This New Testament study through the gospels will prepare members to take the teachings of Jesus and apply them to our lives so that we can confidently answer the question, What Would Jesus […]