Sunday mornings in the Prayer Room, a handful of individuals gather to pray for our Sunday morning services. Would you be willing to pray as well? We invite you to come and be a part of asking for God's hand on the morning services and for His work in the lives of all the people […]
Sunday Ignite if offered Sunday mornings at 9:00 and 10:45 am. The following are the details for the 9am program: Join us in Room 202 as our 5th & 6th grade students explore the Bible through interactive lessons, games, and prayer! Enter through the North Entrance and take the first left. Room 202 is located up the first set of stairs […]
Welcome to Main Street! We cannot wait to meet you and your kids. Our team of dedicated volunteers is busy preparing an awesome lesson and fun activities for Sunday. We hope to see you here! On Main Street our goal is to W.A.L.K. alongside kids and their families by: Welcoming kids into community Aiming to […]
The Burke Community Church Singles is a group of single men and women who seek to explore and strengthen their Christian walk through the study of God’s Word, fellowship, and service. We meet each Sunday morning at 10:30AM. Come join us at our next gathering and explore God's purpose for your life! If you are […]
Welcome to Main Street! We cannot wait to meet you and your kids. Our team of dedicated volunteers is busy preparing an awesome lesson and fun activities for Sunday. We hope to see you here! On Main Street our goal is to W.A.L.K. alongside kids and their families by: Welcoming kids into community Aiming to […]
High school students, join us on Sundays at 10:45am in the Student Center as we study the Bible! Together we'll take a closer look at God's story of redemption woven throughout the Old and New Testaments. The Student Center is located just inside the North Entrance (Door 3) to the right. If this is your […]
College Community Group provides a great place for students to gather together, enjoy fellowship, learn and discuss God's Word, and participate in other social and church activities. We meet Sunday nights at 6:30 pm for snacks, worship, a video lesson followed by small group discussions/prayer, and other fun activities in the student café (the entrance […]
Join us Tuesdays at noon as Missions Pastor Alec Zacaroli facilitates real time interaction with Burke Community Church missionaries from around the world! Hear more about their ministries, joys, struggles, and then spend time praying together. Not only do we get to connect with a ministry each week, but we also get to be an […]
Prayer is the most powerful tool we have to connect with God. We are reminded in His Word to pray without ceasing and give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thes. 5:17-18). Join us as we come before the Lord, opening with praise and then interceding for our Nation, our leaders, persecuted brothers and sisters in […]
We have a group of young adults in their twenties and early thirties who gather weekly for Bible study, worship, and fellowship. This is the place for you to take a break from your busy work week and connect with fellow Christians. We strive to build our faith and encourage one another while enjoying some […]
Every day (yes...every day!), men from Burke Community Church meet up on Zoom to start off the day in prayer. What started as an opportunity to connect during COVID has grown and continues to be a powerful blessing. Men, sign on and start your day off with morning prayer! Passcode: 002265 Learn more about […]