THRIVE – Class of 2025
THRIVE – Class of 2025
Class of 2025, join us for a 3-week series on how to THRIVE in your faith after high school! We'll hang out and eat lunch, hear a short message, and break apart into discussion groups.
Class of 2025, join us for a 3-week series on how to THRIVE in your faith after high school! We'll hang out and eat lunch, hear a short message, and break apart into discussion groups.
Class of 2025, join us for a 3-week series on how to THRIVE in your faith after high school! We'll hang out and eat lunch, hear a short message, and break apart into discussion groups.
Join us at The Mix for a Life Group Night Out this week! Each life group will plan their own evening of fun. Contact your life group leader for meeting location and details. If you are not involved in a life group, please email our High School Director, Jeremy Wittig, at to get connected.
Class of 2025, join us for a 3-week series on how to THRIVE in your faith after high school! We'll hang out and eat lunch, hear a short message, and break apart into discussion groups.