Have you ever tried to play soccer barefooted? That’s what many of the children in the Eastern Cape end up doing. Soccer cleats are hard to come by and not affordable. Do you have any used cleats that have been outgrown? The BCC mission team going to South Africa in October is collecting gently used […]
Do you need some rest and connection? Jesus tells us to come to Him with our burdens and He will give us rest (Matthew 11:28). Raising young kids can feel like a weight, but Jesus wants to lighten your load. Join us for a time of encouragement and prayer the 2nd and 4th Thursdays in […]
Have a munchkin of your own who loves to play? You're invited to Moms of Munchkins (Moms) Playgroup! We invite moms and kids to meet up in Room 131 at the church every Friday from 9:30AM-11:30AM. Join us for connection, conversation, support as a parent, and a great opportunity for your little ones to play […]