Join us in our annual event to feed the homeless in the DC, VA, and MD region. We need volunteers who can donate, cook, pack, and deliver food and donate and wrap presents. Registration is required to volunteer for this event! See more information and sign up for this event HERE or at the link […]
Ready for dawn patrol? Tuesday mornings from 6-7am, Basecamp meets in the Student Center to seek deeper understanding of authentic manhood and apply principles from God's Word to our daily lives. We kick off with large group teaching, followed by small group breakout discussions. Hang out afterwards in the lobby to make connections with the […]
Ready to draw closer to God with other women? Tuesday mornings from 9:30am-12pm, Breakaway meets in the Classrooms to seek deeper understanding of authentic Christian living and apply principles from God’s Word to our daily lives. We focus on surrendering to God as we delve into Bible Study. See our current Women's Bible Study offerings […]
Join us Tuesdays at noon as Missions Pastor Alec Zacaroli facilitates real time interaction with Burke Community Church missionaries from around the world! Hear more about their ministries, joys, struggles, and then spend time praying together. Not only do we get to connect with a ministry each week, but we also get to be an […]
Sexual sin and sex addiction is a huge issue – not only in our culture, but also on an individual basis. At Burke Community Church, we offer courses to help men who are struggling with unwanted sexual temptation or addiction. Join us for Conquer, a 16-week virtual class, t0 learn a new battle plan for […]
Prayer is the most powerful tool we have to connect with God. We are reminded in His Word to pray without ceasing and give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thes. 5:17-18). Join us as we come before the Lord, opening with praise and then interceding for our Nation, our leaders, persecuted brothers and sisters in […]
Burke Women’s Ministry offers a support group for wives with husbands who have struggled in keeping the sexual purity of marriage (through infidelity or pornography). This group shares the common bond of pursuing recovery and healing in this process. This group currently meets over Zoom. For more information and to receive the Zoom link, contact
We have a group of young adults in their twenties and early thirties who gather weekly for Bible study, worship, and fellowship. This is the place for you to take a break from your busy work week and connect with fellow Christians. We strive to build our faith and encourage one another while enjoying some […]
The last Friday of the month, we provide an evening out for parents of special needs children. Go have fun while your kids enjoy a quality three-hour program that includes play with buddies, fun activities, and snacks. Siblings are welcome to join as well! Registration is required and must be completed the Monday before the […]