If you are a widower and would like to connect with other men who understand your loss, this group is here to provide friendship and support. We meet the third Monday of every month at a local restaurant. Whether you are newly widowed or have been widowed for years, join us for an encouraging time […]
Ready for dawn patrol? Tuesday mornings from 6-7am, Basecamp meets in the Student Center to seek deeper understanding of authentic manhood and apply principles from God's Word to our daily lives. We kick off with large group teaching, followed by small group breakout discussions. Hang out afterwards in the lobby to make connections with the […]
Ready to draw closer to God with other women? Tuesday mornings from 9:30am-12pm, Breakaway meets in the Classrooms to seek deeper understanding of authentic Christian living and apply principles from God’s Word to our daily lives. We focus on surrendering to God as we delve into Bible Study. See our current Women's Bible Study offerings […]
PEACE Group is a support group for families of children with special needs. We understand the unique challenges you face and would love to support and encourage you as we share our struggles and joys together. Limited childcare is available. Register for the latest PEACE group meeting HERE or at the link below.
Ready to build new relationships and grow in Christ together? Join one of our Discover Community groups, designed to help you start a long-term life group and learn about other opportunities to experience community in the church. The first 8 weeks meet at the church as you get to know your group. At the end […]
Sexual sin and sex addiction is a huge issue – not only in our culture, but also on an individual basis. At Burke Community Church, we offer courses to help men who are struggling with unwanted sexual temptation or addiction. Join us for Conquer, a 16-week virtual class, t0 learn a new battle plan for […]
9th-12th grade students are invited to The Mix! Join us for hanging out, worship, teaching and life groups on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm. Enter at the North Lobby and find us in the Student Center directly to your right. For more information or to get registered for a life group, contact our High School Director, […]
Men, the time for refinement is now! Ironworks meets weekly to seek deeper understanding of authentic manhood and apply principles from God's Word to our daily lives. We kick off with large group teaching followed by small group breakout discussions. Hang out afterwards to make connections with the men of Burke Community Church.
Ready to draw closer to God with other women? Wednesday Evenings from 7-9pm, WOW meets in the classrooms to seek deeper understanding of authentic Christian living and apply principles from God’s Word to our daily lives. We focus on surrendering to God as we delve into Bible Study. Sign up for Bible studies HERE or […]