Join us as we restart our class in person! Our ACE-certified instructors will be teaching from the Cardio Strength & Flexibility program from Body & Soul. A good workout for all levels to upbeat, current Christian music! Try a class for free (just come by)! For more information and to sign up, visit
Have you found yourself to be single and pregnant; looking for some guidance? You are not alone! We are here for you, let us come alongside you during this time. Join us Mondays from 6:30-8:30pm. For more information or to talk with someone who can help, please email us at
Ready to draw closer to God with other women? Tuesday mornings from 9:30am-12pm, Breakaway meets in the Classrooms to seek deeper understanding of authentic Christian living and apply principles from God’s Word to our daily lives. We focus on surrendering to God as we delve into Bible Study. Learn about all of our offerings and […]
Do you want to start the new year with more exercise? Ladies, join us for a time of fun and fellowship as we play Pickleball. We will meet in the Student Center, 1-2:30pm on Wednesdays. Racquets, nets and balls provided by Burke Community Church. Register Today!
Ready to draw closer to God with other women? Wednesday Evenings from 7-8:30pm, WOW meets in the classrooms to seek deeper understanding of authentic Christian living and apply principles from God’s Word to our daily lives. We focus on surrendering to God as we delve into Bible Study. Learn about all of our Fall study […]
If you are a widow and would like to connect with other women who understand your loss, this group is here to provide friendship and support. There are two groups; you may go to either or both. We meet the third Thursday of every month from 11:30AM-1:00PM for lunch at a restaurant, and once a […]
Have a munchkin of your own who loves to play? You're invited to Moms of Munchkins (Moms) Playgroup! We invite moms and kids to meet up in Room 131 at the church every Friday from 9:30AM-11:30AM. Join us for connection, conversation, support as a parent, and a great opportunity for your little ones to play […]
Since God fashioned man and placed him in a beautiful garden as a caretaker, I've always thought it important to take care of the garden I call my yard. It is, after all, a divine mandate. Some saints, however, struggle with how to manage the area divinely entrusted to them. Questions gnaw at them: How can I keep […]