For over 20 years, She Speaks has been training writers, speakers and leaders to communicate their God-given messages. Whether you want to launch a podcast, grow your social media account, write a book, craft a message, lead a Bible study, or connect with other women who are looking to grow and use their talents, She […]
Join other young families for our annual BBQ at Burke Lake Park at Shelter B! We will provide hot dogs and hamburgers, so bring your family and enjoy the fellowship. We also reserved the volleyball court for some competitive fun. Register your family today!
Connect is your way to stay connected with the High School ministry over the summer. Come join us for indoor and outdoor games, snacks, and time to hang out. You'll find us at the Cafe Entrance (Door 2) and you're always welcome to bring friends along as well!
From Navy fighter pilots tracking objects capable of doing things beyond our technical abilities, to U.S. Marines at Fort Wilson in California photographing a jaw-dropping black rectangular object hovering over their barracks, it appears that the UFO phenomena have gone mainstream. Even the Pentagon has established the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force to hopefully determine […]