Join us for our 2023 Parent Seminar, “Treading Boldly Through a Pornographic World,” on Saturday, February 11th, 2023, from 9am-12pm at BCC!
Join us for this interactive workshop led by Josh Glaser, Executive Director of Regeneration Ministries. Treading Boldly equips parents with insights, self-awareness, and godly wisdom for today’s digital landscape. We host this workshop to help parents become their kids’ best resource and most trusted guide. Whether you are anxious about parenting in a society filled with pornographic traps, or you have recently discovered that your son or daughter is struggling with a porn problem, this seminar can help you tread boldly as you guide your kids to the healthy, pure, and loving adulthood God intends for them. Parents who have children of any age will benefit from this seminar!
Register HERE by February 5. An individual registration costs $10 or couples can attend for $15. Scholarships are available upon request to Limited childcare for birth through 4th grade is offered by preregistration only HERE.