ECHO, an all volunteer, 501(c)(3) nonprofit, gives food and financial help to people with short-term emergencies, and provides clothes and household items to people with low incomes in the Springfield/Burke area.
ECHO experienced a 6,000-lb. deficit in food donations and client giving in January. With food price increases and the pandemic, there has been an increase in need.
Go Local is hosting a food drive on Saturday, March 18th, from 10am-1pm at Burke Community Church. Our goal is to donate 2,000 lbs. of food to our partner and provide much-needed assistance to the community. Please see our list below of needed items and help us reach our 2,000-lb. goal. If you have any questions, email
Food Items: Personal Care Items:
Spaghetti Sauce Dish Detergent
Cooking Oil Laundry Detergent
Honey and Jam (not Grape) Shampoo
Condiments (Mayo, Ketchup, Mustard) Shaving Cream
Canned Meat Razors
Masa Flour Deodorant
Lemon Juice Toothbrushes
Tin Fish Band Aids
Instant Potatoes Toilet Paper
Onion & Garlic Powder
Dry or Bag Beans
Pancake Mix and/or Syrup
Canned Fruit
Evaporated and Condensed milk
Hot Chocolate
Green or Herbal Tea
Brown Paper Grocery Bags