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App – Burke Community Church
Inclement Weather Update (click for more details):
[wd_asp id=1]


Welcome to the Burke Community Church app!


The Burke Community Church app is designed with the congregant in mind. Here are just a few of the exciting features:

  • Quick media access to sermons, recent services, and more!
  • Small group communication through the “My Groups” feature
  • Check-in for Sunday morning programs (birth-6th grade)
  • Easy mobile giving
  • Customized push notifications about upcoming events, opportunities to serve, and campus shut downs due to inclement weather*
*To get the full functionality of the app we encourage you to enable push notifications. 


The Burke Community Church App is designed with the congregant in mind. Here are just a few of the exciting features:

  • Quick media access to sermons, recent services, and more!
  • Small group communication through the “My Groups” feature
  • Check-in for Sunday morning programs (birth-6th grade)
  • Easy mobile giving
  • Customized push notifications about upcoming events, opportunities to serve, and campus shut downs due to inclement weather*
  • The ability to send emergency on-campus notifications*
*To get the full functionality of the app we encourage you to enable push notifications and location services. 

Get Started

Setting up your personalized app experience is quick and easy…

  1. Install the Burke Community Church app from your app store
  2. Upon opening, allow notifications and location data for optimal usage 
  3. Click “Create Profile/Sign In” and sign in using your mobile number
  4. Enter the security code and provide additional info if requested*
*The app syncs with your MyBCC profile using your email address and mobile phone number. To access features like child check-in and “my groups” you will need to provide the same email address that we currently have on file.

Get Started

Setting up your personalized app experience is quick and easy…

  1. Install the Burke Community Church app from your app store
  2. Upon opening, allow notifications and location data for optimal usage 
  3. Click “Create Profile/Sign In” and sign in using your mobile number
  4. Enter the security code and provide additional info if requested*
*The app syncs with your MyBCC profile using your email address and mobile phone number. To access features like child check-in and “my groups” you will need to provide the same email address that we currently have on file.

Instructional Videos

#1 - Introduction

#2 - Notifications

#3 - Navigation

#4 - Check-In


The Burke Community Church app is part of the software suite we use at BCC to nurture connection and growth. This suite includes:

  • The Burke Community Church app 
  • Church Management Software (MyBCC) 
  • Financial and Giving Software 

All BCC related content in the app is developed by your Burke Community Church Communications Team.

For more information on visit their webpage at:

In short, yes. 

goes to great lengths to keep your information secure. You can read more at: 

We care about your privacy of your personal information. For this reason, the app is not a church directory. Your information is only available to church leadership (who will only use it for purposes pertinent to ministry) and fellow group members of any small group you join. Similarly, first time users who create a new profile in our system through the app will not have access to any people information in the app or in MyBCC.

Note: As of 9.14.21, anyone who creates a profile in the app, signs up for our email distribution lists, gives financially to the church, or fills out a church form will have contact info in our system (MyBCC) visible to church leadership. By default, this information is not available to others in the church. It is also worth noting that information related to giving is only available to a select few in the Business Office and not even Pastors or Elders have access to it. Once an individual joins a small group, their contact information (name, phone, email, address) is, by default, available to the group. This is not the case in larger groups (i.e. Men's Ministry, Women's Ministry, etc.).

If your profile was created before 9.14.21 we are not certain what the default privacy settings were at the time of your profile creation. If you want to review your current privacy settings and/or adjust them:

  1. Login to MyBCC (click "Request Account" if you have not logged in before)
  2. Click the icon in the upper right to go to your profile
  3. Click the “Actions” button under your name
  4. Click “Privacy”
  5. Adjust your privacy settings and click “Apply” in the upper right corner

Burke Community Church will not share or sell your contact information, nor will we spam you. If you suspect that your personal information is being used inappropriately or someone is abusing the system, please contact us immediately at

If you are having technical difficulties we would love to assist you! Please reach out to us by email and describe in detail any issues you are having.

Children's Check-In issues -

All other issues -

Yes! We would love to hear your ideas and feedback. However, there are some aspects of the app experience that we are able to make changes to (i.e. content) and other aspects that we cannot change (i.e. the login process). Contact us with your ideas at

Available now in your app store!