New 2025 studies starting January 14th!
Tuesday Breakaway
Every Tuesday morning from 9:30am-12pm at Burke Community Church beginning January 14th.
Abide: A Study of 1, 2 & 3 John by Jen Wilkin
In a busy world filled with confusion, corruption and worldliness, how do we cut through the division, deception and doubt
to find and abide in the truth? In this study Jen Wilkin guides us through a deep look into 1, 2 & 3 John, three short letters
the apostle John wrote to believers in the early church. Through his encouraging words, John teaches us how to hold onto
the assurance of faith, distinguish truth from a lie, and find strength in a God who loves us — despite facing division,
deception and doubt. Join us in this verse-by-verse study, nurturing your relationship with the Lord as you learn about
His great character
Teachers: Anita Homburg and Liz Schmidt.
Venue: In Person
Teachers: Anita Homburg and Liz Schmidt.
Venue: In Person
Ezekiel (Unplugged)
The priest and prophet Ezekiel boldly preached to the people of Israel during their Babylonian exile, encouraging them
to turn from rebellion and idolatry. Illustrating his message with object lessons and dramatic visions, Ezekiel himself
wanted to know God as well as bring his fellow countrymen to embrace His truth, faithfulness and message of hope.
This Old Testament study is still relevant for our own age of disobedience and rejection of God and His ways. With the
Bible as our text, we will examine this book for what it says, what it means and how it speaks into our lives in our
current day and culture.
Teachers: Carol Dick, Tina Withers and Dawn Wycoff.
Venue: In-Person
Teachers: Carol Dick, Tina Withers and Dawn Wycoff.
Venue: In-Person
Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers by Dane Ortland
Jesus said “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn
from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your soul.” (Matthew 11:28-29) Do you find yourself
feeling discouraged, frustrated, weary, disenchanted, sometimes cynical, sometimes empty? Dane invites you to explore
the gentleness of Jesus, whose most natural posture is not a pointed finger but instead open arms. Embrace His lowliness
and accessibility. Embrace Jesus as tender, open, welcoming, accommodating, understanding and willing. As you
discover His heart for you, you will find the rest for your soul that He promises.
Teachers: Jackie Ehrman and Page Gyatt.
Venue: In-Person
Teachers: Jackie Ehrman and Page Gyatt.
Venue: In-Person
He Is Enough: Living in the Fullness of Jesus by Asheritah Ciuciu
“We might say we believe that Christ is enough, but do we really live that out?” asks author Asheritah. Do we truly
understand that we don’t need more knowledge, we don’t need more guidelines, we don’t need more stuff... we just
need Jesus? If we continue to strive for earthly fulfillment, we’ll continue to find our hearts empty and longing for more.
Instead, dig into the Book of Colossians with Asheritah each day as she creatively offers options to “Snack on the Go”
if your time is limited or to “Feast at the Table” for greater insight. Either way, she will lead you to discover for yourself
how Jesus is truly all we need.
Teachers: Christine Little, Cindy Rogers and Mickie Miller.
Venue: In-Person
Teachers: Christine Little, Cindy Rogers and Mickie Miller.
Venue: In-Person
Isaiah (Unplugged)
Join us for a verse-by-verse year-long study of the book of Isaiah, one of the major prophets. In its 66 chapters we will
see the God who judges His people for rebelling against Him. This same God is the One who saves and offers hope
for a future and restoration to those who return and follow Him. Each week, using the Bible as our text, we will examine
passages by investigating what the passage says, interpreting what the verses mean, and then applying them
personally to our everyday life. (Continued from Fall Semester)
Teachers: Mary Kesting and Laura Williams.
Venue: In-Person
Teachers: Mary Kesting and Laura Williams.
Venue: In-Person
Old Testament (Unplugged)
Do you think the OT is just filled with boring lists of hard-to-say names, bizarre rules, evil kings, prophets spewing doom,
and violent displays of wrath? Think again! With the Bible as our text, this class will provide an overview of the OT as
we study selections from the books of Law, History, Poetry, and Prophets, with a particular emphasis on how Jesus is
revealed. We will glimpse the glory of God as we see His plan for redemption unfold in the pages of Scripture and in
our own lives.
Teachers: Angela Cockerham and Megan Edwards.
Venue: In Person
Teachers: Angela Cockerham and Megan Edwards.
Venue: In Person
Rooted Motherhood by Heather Myers
Are you interested in digging into Scripture to examine how God uses motherhood to teach us about Himself? And would
you like to explore the ways He uses the joys and struggles of being a mom to draw us closer to Him? Then join this study
for every age and stage of motherhood, whether you have little ones, teenagers or adult kids out on their own. Using
methods of inductive Bible study, this class will guide you to be more real, relatable, and relevant in your mothering as you
become more rooted in the Word.
(Continued from Fall Semester)
Teachers: Heather Myers and Anna Bartee.
Venue: In-Person
Teachers: Heather Myers and Anna Bartee.
Venue: In-Person
Wednesday W.O.W.
Every Wednesday evening from 7:00pm-8:30pm at Burke Community Church beginning January 22nd.
Joy from the Upper Room: A Flexible Inductive Study of John 13-17 by Pam Gillaspie
Do you find your spirit downcast and lowly? Does sadness pervade your heart? Have the troubles of life weighed you
down and zapped your joy? Remember that Jesus, our Savior, defeated death and is the One who gives us abundant life.
And it is He who calls us to unwavering joy, even amid times of sorrow and pain. Join us in this inductive study to follow
Jesus in the days leading up to the cross and encounter the steadfast joy only He can bring.
Teachers: Diane Boucher, Tanya Cooper and Sue.
Venue: Online
Teachers: Diane Boucher, Tanya Cooper and Sue.
Venue: Online
Abide: A Study of 1, 2 & 3 John by Jen Wilkin
In a corrupt and confused culture, how can we hold onto the assurance of our faith? How can we distinguish the truth from
a lie? How can we know God loves us? The apostle John wrote three letters to believers in the early church, encouraging
them to hold fast to what they knew and to live accordingly. Two thousand years later, these same epistles still instruct us
as we face similar challenges of division, deception, and doubt. Let Jen’s teaching, through workbook sessions and her
weekly video, lead you in your quest to abide in His truth.
Teachers: Jane Dull, Adrianna Richardson and Lorna Soderburg.
Venue: In-Person
Teachers: Jane Dull, Adrianna Richardson and Lorna Soderburg.
Venue: In-Person
In View of God’s Mercies: The Gift of the Gospel in Romans by Courtney Doctor
Discover the beautiful truth about salvation as Courtney walks you through Paul’s compelling epistle to the Romans.
Marvel at the glorious grace and transforming work of the gospel laid out in this letter’s organized and carefully presented
statement of salvation and faith... that salvation is available to all regardless of a person’s identity, sin or heritage.
We are saved not by works, but by grace through faith. Paul longs for his readers, then and now, to know how amazing
and all-encompassing this gift of salvation is – that it’s powerful, planned, eternal, free and leads to a transformed life.
Join us and immerse yourself in the study of this Good News.
Teachers: Ann Alexander, Lyn Delano and Steffani Mears.
Venue: In-Person
Teachers: Ann Alexander, Lyn Delano and Steffani Mears.
Venue: In-Person
Joshua (Unplugged)
Studying the book of Joshua in the Bible, we will walk with God’s children into the land God promised them and to which
He called them. They (and we) learn to believe that God will help them replace fear with courage, weakness with strength,
doubt with faith - that God can make the impossible possible. Getting to know our God and Savior better is our goal.
Teachers: Jackie Ehrman, Leanne Rodgers, and Sarah Weng.
Venue: In-Person
Teachers: Jackie Ehrman, Leanne Rodgers, and Sarah Weng.
Venue: In-Person
Young Women: Acts 13-28: Part 2 God’s Power at the Ends of the Earth by Phyllis LePeau
The power of the Holy Spirit is front and center in the Book of Acts as it records the transformation of the disciples from
fearful and doubting men to men confident and bold in proclaiming Christ, even at great personal risk. Empowered by the
Spirit of God, these early believers faced imprisonment, beatings, rejection and martyrdom, yet persevered to spread the
Good News in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria and throughout the known world. That same power can transform us today
to be bold for Jesus. Join us for this study of the second half of Acts and experience the calling, healing, empowering and
sending dynamic of the Holy Spirit in your life.
Teachers: Kristen Powell, Ashley Turk, and Leah Columbus.
Venue: In-Person
Teachers: Kristen Powell, Ashley Turk, and Leah Columbus.
Venue: In-Person
Sunday Morning
Every Sunday morning from 9:00am-10:15am beginning September 8th.

Women’s Bible Study:
Jonah: Experience God’s Patience...Embrace His Presence...Enjoy Divine Provision by Chris and Katie Orr
Hungry for meaningful Bible study but pressed to make it fit into your already full schedule? This study may be just for you! Designed to spend just 15 minutes a day, five days a week, this study nevertheless will take you deep into the truths of Scripture. Explore the patience, presence, and provision of our Almighty God as you follow the journeys of Jonah, a reluctant prophet, called by Him to minister to the people of Ninevah.
Teachers: Valarie Gray, Ashley Turk & Marissa Eyon
Style: Up front teaching + large group discussion