You are invited to attend Oasis – four bonus weeks that offer an opportunity to come together with the entire body of W.O.W. for continued prayer, worship, and study of “the only true God.”
The focus of this 4-part series is to prepare your heart as you GO into the world ready and
willing to serve His kingdom. Dinner will be provided! Arrive early at 6:45pm to eat!
May 3rd – Go with God’s Word: Knowing how to dive deep into Scripture prepares
us to GO into the world with His Word. This session will provide an overview of study
methods/tools and will also explore ways that Bible study and prayer can be incorporated
into our GO ministry. Led by Megan Edwards
May 10th – Go with the Gospel: Knowing, understanding, and being able to
articulate the key components of the gospel message while relying on the power of the Holy
Spirit equips us to GO out and share the good news with others. Led by Jackie Ehrman
May 17th – Go with God: Knowing who God is fills us with the desire to GO and
introduce others to Him. Come be reminded of who He is and what He’s done to ensure our
abundant life eternal by way of the Essential Doctrines of our Christian faith. Led by Angela
May 24th – Celebrate what we’ve discovered over our time at Oasis and explore more ways to reach out this summer!
HERE or at the link below!