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Service Opportunities at BCC – Burke Community Church
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Service Opportunities at BCC

 Dear Worshiper,

Pastor Greg’s sermon from Luke 5 couldn’t have been more challenging to those saints who desire to grow in their faith and service to our Lord.  Contextually, Peter, a fisherman by trade, came back to land with his team exhausted and empty handed from a night of fishing on the Sea of Galilee (Luke 5:5).

Enter Jesus. 

He asked Peter and his men to take him out on the lake so he could teach the large crowd from the comfort of the boat (Luke 5:3).  Though weary and worn they did the hard thing and Jesus impacted the masses with His spiritual insights.  The sacrifice of the men still echoes in eternity.
Jesus, however, was not finished challenging them.  When the Bible study session ended, the Lord of the lake asked them to do the unthinkable: head out into deep water and start fishing (again) by lowering their heavy nets. 

Again, Peter and his team obliged, even though fishing in daylight was inopportune and illogical (Luke 5:5).  Their step of faith resulted in the largest catch of fish they had ever landed.  They wound up calling for a back-up boat to help them bring the haul of fish to land (Luke 5:6-7). 

Jesus used this historical miracle to teach Peter many truths.  One, He is the sovereign Lord and is in control of all things . . . even the fish in the lake. Two, with Him there are no obstacles, just opportunities to advance the kingdom.  Three, just as He could fill their nets with fish, He would fill their spiritual nets with the unbelievers who needed the salvation of the Savior.  Four, sometimes He calls us to the deeper waters of life at the most inopportune time to touch countless lives with the gospel. 

Peter never forgot these lessons, and he lived to see the Lord use him in countless lives as he sailed into many deep, hostile, and turbulent waters in ancient Israel.  None of this would have been possible, however, had he (and his team) not done the difficult, demanding thing and sailed where the Lord challenged them to go. 

As believers, we, too, can glean much from this short story from Peter’s life.  With the growth of our children’s and youth departments post-Covid, the need for new spiritual fishermen to sail out into these deeper waters teeming with spiritual opportunities is a clear challenge from Christ.  In the 5th through 12th grades, table leaders are needed on Sunday mornings to touch the lives of teens.  Life Group leaders are needed for middle and high school groups for the fall on Wednesday and Thursday evenings.  Additionally, so many new children are attending our excellent Sunday morning program, we need new “fishermen and women” so we can open up new classes.  Our nets are full and it is all the Lord’s doing. 

What is the Savior calling you to do? He’s calling you to do the unthinkable, the more demanding, and difficult thing: head out into the deeper waters by serving in these teens and children.  What will happen when you follow Him?  He will fill your nets which countless lives which will be touched for all eternity.  Should you desire to heed the Lord’s challenge, you can get in the boat by simply sending an email to the appropriate department: (5th – 12th grade) (Birth – 4th grade)

Thanks for your commitment to our body of believers. Thanks for allegiance to our Lord.  Thanks for being the type of saints, like Peter, who are not afraid to head out into the deep waters and fish where the Lord directs you.  His blessing will most certainly be yours.

Pastor Marty